Welcome to spooky month, full of spooky updates.
Adachi and Shimamura (Seven Seas): Volume 7 got a digital release date: later this month on the 21st! Physical version to follow next month.
Volume 8 will release physically next February, which feels like an eternity from now. Hopefully we can expect the early digital in January.
And Volume 9 is now 16% translated! This'll be my weekend project for the next 6 weeks or so.
Secret Project #2 (???):
25% translated! Pretty good progress after one month. Unfortunately I'll have to pause it this month, because...
Secret Project #1 (???):
Got pushed back from September to October! Hoping to finish translation soon, because after that...
Secret Project #3?!?!? (???):
Yeah it sounds like I might have a third secret to contend with this month lmaooo no really I'm fine
Slow Damage (JAST BLUE):
Slow damage to my psyche.
I should really play more Cupid Parasite (JP) ahead of the English localization's release, but my life was consumed by Final Fantasy XIV. Just according to keikaku (plan)!