I didn't write this update for YOU or anything! Baka!
Adachi and Shimamura (Seven Seas): Volume 9 will release digitally on May 19th! Physical to follow next month! Ride Your Wave (Seven Seas): Whatever licensing restriction was on this book must have expired after a year, because they're finally releasing this digitally on May 26th!
TAISHO x ALICE: All In One (Primula):
Announced and released! And there are good fonts!! I'm not crying, you're crying. It's my baby and it's beautiful.
Secret Project:
Still chugging along at 35% translated. Sometimes translating is easy and sometimes it takes 3 hours to localize an obscure political reference. 5 more months to go!
I asked for an announcement in my last blog post and Primula truly delivered. This blog post, I'd like to ask for a paid vacation. Fly me out to an anime convention and I'll do my very best not to catch the plague.