July is my birthday month! Normally I would be celebrating it in LA right about now, but (gestures to everything) The Rona.
Kokoro Connect (J-Novel Club): Volume 9 ebook now available for purchase! Volume 10 is approximately 60% translated; I'm on track to finish the book by the end of the month.
SEXILED (J-Novel Club):
Volume 1 physical edition now available! Volume 2 phys available for preorder; releases September 1st!
Adachi and Shimamura (Seven Seas): Volume 1 (phys ver) available for preorder. Releases July 14th! I'm really excited to get my sample copy! Volume 2 (phys ver) also available for preorder; releases September 8th. Volume 3 is also available for preorder (phys ver)! Releases November 24th with an early digital version available on August 27th!
And now, Volume 4... is fully translated!!! Releases February 9th, 2021 (phys)! You can preorder it here!
Yes, No, or Maybe? (Seven Seas):
Digital version will be released on July 9th! Soon™! Physical version October 6th.
I have one Secret Book that I think will be announced soon, and one Secret Book that I just got offered - no idea when it'll be announced. And there's another Tentative Gig that's still in negotiation. Busy, busy, busy!
After some unfortunate delays for me, I finally got through Volume 9 of Kokoro Connect. After all the Melodramatic tension we got from Vol. 7 , I'm glad we got a slight reprieve with 9. Sadanatsu giving the Parents a bit more time with there kids and not just Home Alone'n them the entire series was a nice surprise. I cant tell if it's your translation or just how he writes but each page that was given to them felt worth the wait. I'm a little sad that the next Volume will be the last Full story, before Volume 11's Side stories. But I'm still glad i picked this up when i did, and even happier that your doing suc…